by Julián Fueyo
For Piano and Violin, Advanced, 22 Pages
Zafiro/Sapphire is a piece inspired by the world´s most famous sapphire: The
Star of India. This gem is unique because of its tiny fibers of rutile in a three-fold pattern that reflects incoming light into a star, an effect called asterism.
Abruptly opening with a variation of the central figure, Zafiro has been designed to feature #G A #C A across a modal spectrum from beginning to end. Harmonies derived from the asymmetric division of the scale are utilized to give the piece its blue and solemn nature. Additionally, violin’s techniques such as ponticello and flautato help to illustrate the majestic and starry-like essence of the precious gem. The piece also features constant subito changes in its dynamics and tempo, as to depict the highlights and reflexes of the jewel.